╳ Students gathered around and watched in amazement, as Thread Count Lab founders, Eleanor and Alessia mixed up an interesting cocktail of concrete, paint and PVA glue in a practical demonstration of experimental silkscreen printing with unorthadox materials. The Tangible Interfaces Workshop, which took place back in October 2010 at Chang Gung University, Taiwan, was all about experimentation and the exploration of materiality beyond its typical scope; and students were invited to respond to this brief in their own very unique way.
╳ The results? What this space!
╳ Images (top to bottom)
Mixing concrete ' ink'
Partners in crime Eleanor-Jayne Browne and Alessia Giardino

MVC students watch in amazement
Experiment N° 1
Silkscreen print with concrete 'ink'
Stainless steel, concrete ink
Experiment N°2
Silkscreen print with concrete 'ink'
Colour washed wood board, concrete ink
╳ The results? What this space!
╳ Images (top to bottom)
Mixing concrete ' ink'
Partners in crime Eleanor-Jayne Browne and Alessia Giardino

Experiment N° 1
Silkscreen print with concrete 'ink'
Stainless steel, concrete ink
Experiment N°2
Silkscreen print with concrete 'ink'
Colour washed wood board, concrete ink