╳ Lovers of design will immediately recognise (and appreciate) Lovely&Co’s reference to Emeco’s seminal 1006 Navy® chair, once found on U.S. Navy destroyers and submarines. Pronounced "ten-oh-six,” this chair was the product of a collaboration between the Electric Machinery and Equipment Company (Emeco) and the Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa) in 1944 to produce a seaworthy chair which was corrosion resistant, maintenance free and comprising of one continuous piece of aluminum without seams. Handmade from 80% recycled aluminum and designed to last for 150 years, Navy® Chairs are tempered for ultimate strength (and timeless style).
╳ Lovely&Co’s ALBA chair owes its name to Federico García Lorca’s famous play ‘The House of Bernarda Alba’. In the first scene of the play, Bernarda’s house is described: “White room, thick walls, ‘enea’ chair”. With a simple wooden frame, the enea (straw) chair was once the de-facto chair in many countries around the world, with hand woven straw around the seat and backrest. In essence it is a workhorse chair used as a basic dining chair and favoured by flamenco guitar players.

╳ According to Lovely&Co, “with ALBA we wanted to create an homage to the traditional enea chair. Taking its soul and giving it a new body. A light and strong aluminium skeleton with contemporary lines but always respecting the simplicity and character of the original classic.”
╳ Founded on a no-nonsense approach to design, the three chaps, Ignacio, Woody and Nick, started their business because of a shared passion for beautiful things and believe that design should concern itself with shaping peoples’ emotions, go beyond reason and address how the products we buy and own make us feel about ourselves. Thread Count Lab can’t think of more ‘lovely’ reasons.
╳ Images (top to bottom)
╳ ALBA Chair
╳ A ’sillero’ weaves straw to repair an old enea chair
╳ Emeco 1006 chair
╳ To view more Lovely&Co projects please visit the link below.