╳ Delivering her keynote address to an eager audience, last Friday (December 3), Thread Count Lab’s Eleanor-Jayne Browne initiated her creativity ‘conversation’ at the 2010 International Conference on Design Theory and Design Practice, National Taichung Institute of Technology, Taiwan.
╳ With each creative personality comes a set of defining criteria, for example innately creative individuals are motivated to ‘create’ based on factors such as personal pleasure, individualisation or critique; whereas ‘Practiced Creativity’ evolves from those achievers who have spent huge quantities of time engrossed in their work, thus emerging with ground-breaking results: think of Mozart, Bill Gates or The Beatles. At the far end of the scale is ‘Applied Creativity’. This term best describes practices where creative thinking applied to existing knowledge such as databases or IT technologies can yield amazing results such as Scott Hessels’ Celestial Mechanics, where he visualised the statistics, data and protocols of manmade aerial technologies into what can only be described as a 'poetic interpretation of data'.
╳ To view the powerpoint presentation, with accompanying notes, please visit the link below. And, if you wish to continue this conversation, Eleanor-Jayne Browne can be contacted via: browne@mail.cgu.edu.tw
╳ Types of creative practices, which correlate accordingly with creative personalities, according to Eleanor, can be organised into three categories: ‘Innate’, ‘Practiced’ and ‘Applied’. And, drawing reference from diverse sources such as Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 Hour Theory to the recent Chunky Move incarnation Mortal Engine, Eleanor captivated the audience with samples of her own work, pieces from artist Kate Nichols and budding designer Ray Ray Chang

╳ Concluding her ‘conversation’, Eleanor underscored the need for inter-disciplinary collaboration between designers, artists, scientists, researchers and educators to fully yield meaningful conclusions irrespective of the issue. No (wo)man is an island and neither is a creative soul.